28. - 29. October 2022

This year, the BaSyx Hackathon will take place from 27-28.10.2023.
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On this page you can find impressions of our past hackathons.
The PFAFF HACK was an annual hackathon organized by Fraunhofer IESE giving you the opportunity to create the next smart city project for Kaiserslautern!

Why should you participate?
The best solutions will be awarded by Volksbank Kaiserslautern with a total prize money of 2.500€!
In addition, as a participant you will receive a Pfaffhack T-shirt provided by Pfalzwerke!
Mentors from Fraunhofer IESE will support you in your project. In the process, you will gain practical experience for your studies or career.
Who can participate?
Anyone who likes to try out new things, challenge themselves and meet new people can participate. So don’t shy away at taking part at Fraunhofer IESE’s hackathon. You might want to be quick though as spaces are limited.
What is it about?